Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One last final plea...

First of all...thank you to all of you that have voted for my blog. It is in the running for the Top 25 Food Allergy Moms. If you enjoy my blog, would you take just a few seconds and click the link below and go and vote for Live Free, Gluten Free? Today is the last day to vote! You have until 4PM PST, please take a couple of seconds out of your day and click the link below, then scroll down to my blog and click the vote button. Thanks!


If you're wondering why you should do this.  Remember, all of my recipes are free for you and I don't make money off of my blog.  This would give me exposure to other readers and to companies that use bloggers for promotions and could be a win-win for all of us, if you vote.  So, please help me out! Thank you! And thank you for reading my blog!

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