Overall Rating 4 out of 10 The taste isn't bad if you can get past the texture, it just doesn't have a yeast bread texture.
Well, I didn't want to end the post with a bad vibe for Kinnikinnick, because everything we've tried we've liked...and to prove it, here is yet another product that was sooo good: Kinnikinnick Chocolate Dipped Donuts. Just like the vanilla glazed donuts we tried the other day, these tasted just like regular cake donuts. Also, they are dairy-free, so I can actually enjoy the chocolate! YAY! These donuts actually remind me of those chocolate glazed Hostess donettes...except the chocolate is much better and the donuts are bigger, so hey they are better! They weren't cheap, it was $6.79 for a box of 6, but it was well worth the indulgence.
Overall Rating 10 out of 10 They were very scrumptious and more than made up for the white bread that we bought. :)
I did not care for this bread either. My first bite and I literally gagged. I had to heat and load butter on it which doesn't help in the long run.